We hosted an evening of inspirational talks from women who are designing differently. Women combining design and another discipline, or using design to create social and environmental impact, or changing the design landscape for future generations.
At this International Women’s Day event we wanted to challenge stereotypes, broaden perceptions and celebrate women's achievements.
“It really struck a chord... finding ways to relate built and natural environments in mutually life-improving ways. A dream world to aspire to!”
Maria-Chiara Piccinelli (Co-founder & Director, PiM.studio Architects)
Katrine Dalum Hesseldahl (Product Designer & PhD student, Burberry Material Futures Research Group at RCA)
Philippa Battye (Architect, sculptor & endurance cyclist)
Jay Morton (Associate, Bell Phillips Architects)
Meriel Hunt (Art Director / Set Designer, House of Bop)
Fiona MacDonald (Co-founder, MATT+FIONA)
Jo Ashbridge (Founder & Director, AzuKo)
We drove discussions about the role of designers in a changing world, the importance of equality and diversity in the sector, and how women are challenging the status quo. We asked the audience, “what resonates with you?” This is what you told us:
Towards the end of the evening we invited everyone to make a pledge by choosing one women in your network to champion, and what action you will take to do so.
You were inspired by your female colleagues, mothers, relatives and leaders in your field. These women stood out to you for their bravery, creativity, passions and impact. Here are just a few of your pledges:
Tomorrow, I will…
thank her in a public arena for the work she has done.
visit her at least once a month and help her with my niece and nephew.
share with colleagues my admiration for her leadership.
say thank you.
post about her on social media and promote the amazing work she does.
ensure she has a voice in the national design event I’m organising.
ask her what life was like.
“Thank you for organising the event... I left with a full heart.
We’d like to thank our speakers, volunteers and attendees. Please share with us your pledge, and how you will help forge a gender equal world: